My Sister Used This Remedy And Had To Stop as it Made Her Hair Grow Like Crazy!

Eggs, protein, zinc and biotin essential for hair health such as mineral extracts, thanks to strengthens hair follicles, prevents spills, helps to attain healthy and shiny hair.

Since egg is a fast-breaking ingredient, hair care products sold in cosmetics usually do not contain eggs. You can apply the hair care at home with egg mask recipes to let you know instead of taking ready-made hair care products.

Egg is a food that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals except vitamin C. Protein found in eggs plays an important role in hair growth in a healthy way.

The lecithin ingredient in egg is effective in preventing hair swelling and electrification.

Egg helps treat skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis due to its content of fatty acids.

Egg yolk prevents hair breakage, repairs damaged hair.

Vitamin A which is present in egg yolk supports the production of sebum, prevents the drying of the scalp, treats dandruff naturally. It also stimulates the hair follicles to elongate and prevents hair loss.

Egg B1, B2, B12, biotin, cholin, pantothenic acid and niacin for healthy hair consists of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, increases the energy metabolism in the cells so that it stimulates hair growth. Hair thinning is actually a symptom of niacin deficiency. Vitamin B is a member of the group, which helps to prevent hair loss and baldness of the choline. Vitamin B-5 or pantothenic acid prevents premature hair loss.

Egg whites are one of the best sources of protein. Protein makes hair follicles stronger. The content of egg whites also promotes hair growth and fights with hair loss and other nutrients Polat.

Egg hair mask recipe for dry and damaged hair
Ingredients; banana, avocado, eggs, honey and olive oil Cut half avocado and half banana into small pieces, then put in blender or robot, and get a liquid consistency. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 egg and continue to pass through the blender. Add the latest honey, your mask is ready! If your hair is thinning, use the same ingredients according to the brightness of your hair.

Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Then wash your hair, shampoo and rinse.

Hair extension mask with egg
1.beat egg with fork and add 1-2 tablespoons olive oil into your hair and continue to mix. Apply to your hair and scalp and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash your hair, shampoo and rinse.

Egg mask for oily hair
2 egg yolk half a teaspoon of lemon and mix well. Dampen your hair gently with water. Apply the mixture to the hair and leave on for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse with water. For oily hair to return to normal, repeat at least 2-3 times a week.

Hair loss mask with egg yolk
Put the egg yolk in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of green tea and stir well. Apply to hair and scalp. Wash your hair, shampoo and rinse after 1 hour. To do 3 times a week, until hair loss is continue this practice.

My Sister Used This Remedy And Had To Stop as it Made Her Hair Grow Like Crazy! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: steevany elsi